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Zhao Youcai, born on 11 July 1963 in Fujian Province, China, is currently a professor of environmental engineering at School of Environmental Science and Engineering, Tongji University since 1995.  He got bechelor degree from Department of Chemistry, Sichuan University in 1984, Chendu, Sichuan Province, and Ph.D. from Institute of Chemical Metallurgy (now Institute of Process Engineering), Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, in 1990. He worked at Department of Chemistry, Fudan University, Shanghai as a postdoctoral fellow from 1990 to 1991 before joining in Tongji University in October 1991.

In the meantime, he had ever worked at Paul Scherrer Institute, Switzerland, Department of Environmental and Chemical Engineering, National University of Singapore, Singapore, Department of Environmental Health Science,  Tulane University, New Orleans, USA, and  Laboratory of General & Inorganic Chemical  Technology, Department  of  Chemistry, Aristotle University, Thessaloniki,  Greece, as a Visiting Scientist, Research Fellow, Visiting Professor, and  Marie-Currie Research Fellowship of EU, respectively since 1995 for a total period of 4 years.

He had authored or co-authored 98 publications published in the peer-reviewed internationally recognized journals, 420 publications in China journals, authored or co-authored 68 books (as an Editor-in-chief). Prof. Zhao has ever supervised or are supervising 63 Master and 45 Ph.D. students and 4 post-doctor fellows. Currently, his research interests include municipal solid wastes landfill and incineration, waste recycling and reuse, sewage sludge dewatering and sanitary landfill, anaerobic digestion of organic wastes, bio-hydrogen production, cleaner production of zinc, hydrometallurgical treatment of electric arc furnace dust and MSW incinerator fly ash, and treatment of electric and electronic devices and appliances.

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