

各位参会代表:国际隧协在本次会议(ACUUS2009)期间将举行执委会会议,在20日上午将举行一个专题会,会议的主题是“世界范围的地下空间规划”("Underground Space Planning Worldwide"),可自由发言或投稿,其具体要求见附件通知。
Announcement from the ITA-AITES Committee on Underground Space (ITACUS)
The ITA-AITES Committee on Underground Space (ITACUS) wishes a great success to the 12th ACUUS Conference.
It informs the Delegates attending this Conference that it is organizing an “Open meeting” on Friday 20th November 2009 (morning) at the Shenzhen Wuzhou Guest House, the same venue of the ACUUS Conference.
This Open Meeting will take place from 9:00 am to 11:30 am on Friday 20th November 2009 (morning) at the Shenzhen Wuzhou Guest House, the venue of the 12th ACUUS Conference.
This meeting will be dedicated to a discussion on the following topic: "Underground Space Planning Worldwide". The result of this discussion will be used for the preparation of a White Paper on "Underground Space Planning". Everyone interested in such a discussion is invited to join us and to prepare a short contribution on the subject (oral contributions are limited to 5-10 minutes each; written contributions have no particular length restriction and may be copied from previous publications if appropriate; information submitted will not be published directly but will serve as reference material for the White Paper). Please do not hesitate to contact us for any further details:itacus@ita-aites.org.

Copyright(C) 第十二届国际地下空间联合研究中心年会