
ICEER 2019

2019年第六届能源与环境研究国际会议(ICEER 2019)--EI核心和Scopus检索


ICEER 2019接收并注册的文章将出版到由Ei & Scopus检索的会议论文集。

University of Aveiro 阿威罗大学
Add: Rua Dr. António Bernardino de Almeida, 431, 4249-015 Porto, Portugal


ICEER 2018 July 23-27, 2018 | 布拉格
Energy Procedia, 即将上线

ICEER 2017 July 17-20, 2017, ISEP, 葡萄牙
Energy Procedia, Volume 136, Pages 1–520 (October 2017) ISSN: 1876-6102, 成功Scopus & EI核心检索
上线链接: http://www.sciencedirect.com/journal/energy-procedia/vol/136/suppl/C

ICEER 2016  September 9-11, 2016 | 加泰罗尼亚理工大学, 巴塞罗那
Energy Procedia, Volume 107, Pages 1-398 (February 2017), 成功Scopus & EI核心检索
上线链接: http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/journal/18766102/107/supp/C


*Energy and Environment:
Ecology and Biodiversity Conservation
Environmental Pollution & Management
Renewable Energy Sources
Energy Policy, Planning & Management
Climate Change and Global Warming
Environmental Hydraulics
Sustainable Development
Remote Sensing and Environment
Environmental Ergonomics
Computational Techniques
Air pollution from mobile and stationary sources
Climate change
Noise and acoustics
Electromagnetic waves and telecommunication
Hazardous waste and waste treatment
Industrial waste treatment
Water pollution and treatment
Solid waste management
Environmental management systems
Air pollution control and equipment
Pollution prevention in industry

*Renewable Energy:
Solar electricity and PV applications
Solar cell technology, Solar cell materials, testing and efficiency
Nanotechnology applications to RE
Solar thermal applications
Wind energy
Hydroelectric, geothermal, tides and waves
Biogas and biomass
Hybrid energy systems
Integrated energy systems
Rural electrification
Regional issues, economics and policy

*Education for Sustainability:
Energy issues
Environment impact assessment
Advances in sustainable buildings
Sustainable cities
Behavior on sustainability
Envisioning tomorrow sustainability

*Advanced Energy Technologies:
Nuclear Energy: Fission and Fusion
Nuclear Energy Application: Power Generation, Desalination
Nuclear Materials and Fuels
Energy From the Space, Dark Energy.

*Fuels and Combustion:
Emissions from ICE and their control
Alternative fuels
NG as fuel for rural transportation
Hydrogen and fuel cells
Hybrid and electric vehicles
Bio-diesel fuels
Fuel additives


会议秘书:Ms. Tina Wong

Copyright(C) 2019年第六届能源与环境研究国际会议(ICEER 2019)