
会议所包含的主题如下(但不限于): 1. 生产管理 Production Management ▲ 生产作业排序与生产线平衡Scheduling and Line Balancing ▲ 生产计划与库存管理 Production Planning and Inventory Strategy ▲ 全面质量管理及其未来前景Total Quality Control and its Perspective ▲ 工艺设计和设备布局Process Design and Facility Layout Planning ▲ 行为科学与人机工学Behavior Science and Human Factors 2. 先进生产管理方法Advanced Production Management Methodologies ▲ 精益生产Lean Production ▲ 敏捷制造Agile Manufacturing ▲ 计算机集成制造Computer Integrated Manufacturing ▲ 准时制生产Just in Time Production ▲ 物流及供应链管理Logistics and Supply Chain Management ▲ 绿色制造Green Manufacturing ▲ 工业管理再造Reengineering in Industrial Management 3. 项目管理Project Management ▲ 大规模项目管理网络技术Network Techniques in Large Scale Project Management ▲ 项目管理成本/资源控制Cost/Resource Control in Project Management ▲ 项目管理理论与实践Theory and Practice of Project Management 4. 研究与开发Research and Development ▲ 科技管理Management of Science and Technology ▲ 技术转移Technology Transfer ▲ 技术创新与扩散Innovation and Diffusion of Technology 5. 工业管理定量分析Quantitative Analysis in Industrial Management ▲ 决策研究Decision Analysis and Decision Making ▲ 数学规划在工业管理中的应用Applications of Mathematical Programming in Industrial Management ▲ 模糊集理论及其在工业管理中的应用Fuzzy Set and its Applications in Industrial Management 6. 工业管理中的人工智能与信息技术Artificial Intelligence and Information Technology in Industrial Management ▲ 工厂自动化和工业机器人Factory Automation and Industrial Robots ▲ 工业管理中基于知识的系统Knowledge-based Systems in Industrial Management ▲ 神经网络技术及其在工业管理中的应用Neural-Network Technique and its Applications in Industrial Management ▲ 决策支持系统Decision Support Systems (DSS) ▲ 管理信息系统Management Information Systems (MIS) ▲ 企业资源规划Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) ▲ 战略信息系统Strategic Information Systems (SIS) 7. 工业管理实践与经验Practice and Experiences in Industrial Management ▲ 中、日及其他国家工业管理比较研究Comparative Studies on Industrial Management among China, Japan and other Countries ▲ 工业管理的新进展与趋势New Advances and Trends in Industrial Management 8. 数字化工厂Digital Factory ▲ 基于互联网的管理Management over Internet ▲ 基于图像处理的制造系统Manufacturing System Supported by Image Processing ▲ 电子商务Electronic Business ▲ 系统仿真及其在工业管理中的应用System Simulation and its Applications in Industrial Management

Copyright(C) 第十届工业管理国际会议