用户中心 english

Call for paper

The topics of interest for submission include, but are not limited to:

()Optoelectronic information science


Optical communication and optical network

Optical fiber communication and system

Photoelectric measurement, control and sensing

Engineering optics

Laser principle and application

Optical storage and display technology


Electronic circuit and technology

Photoelectric devices

Photoelectric signal processing

Solar cells

Photovoltaic technology

Other topics about optoelectronic engineering

electromagnetic wave

Optical vortex

()Information and Communication Engineering  

Communication and information system

Wireless communication, data transmission

Switching and broadband network

Array signal processing

Satellite communication

Signal and information processing

Multimedia and image processing

Array signal processing

Electromagnetic field and electromagnetic wave

Cloud computing

Information system and Security

Internet of Things

Sensor network

()Materials science and Engineering

New materials.

Optoelectronic functional materials and devices.

Bonding material.

Amorphous / crystal material.

Biomaterials and their applications.

building material.

Catalytic ceramic material.

Catalytic ceramic material.

Chemical materials.

Chemical synthetic materials.

Coating material.

Colloid and material science.

Science and Application of Composite Materials.

Computer aided material design.

Conductive material.

Corrosion resistant material.

Absorbing material



Copyright(C) 第二届光电信息与功能材料国际学术会议(OIFM 2023)