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2013.09.12 Notice: The process of submission for 3rd ICMAM2013
Step 1: View Conference Theme
Step 2: Submit Your Manuscript
Step 3: Recive the Notification of Acceptance
Step 4: Finish Registration
Step 5: Submit the Registration Materials
Step 6: Attend the Conference
Step 7: Upload Your Final Paper on the System of Trans Tech Publications
If you will attend the 3rd ICMAM2013 as an audience, you can skip step 2, step 3, step 5 and step 7. You will recevie the invitation letter after we receive your payment.
2013.07.24 Notice: 3rd ICMAM2013 Call for special Session
Special session are very small and specialized events to be held during the conference as a set of oral presentations that are highly specialized in some particular theme or consisting of the works of some particular international project. The goal of special sessions having minimum 4 papers and maximum 9 papers is to provide a focused discussion on innovative topics. Each prospective organizer is invited to submit a proposal explaining the targeted topics novelty/importance and listing the contributing authors and their contributions.
If you wish to propose a new Special Session please kindly send to cfp@ttp-icmam.org in order to obtain further information about how to submit a formal proposal. We will be happy to send you appropriate guidelines.
2013.07.10 Good News: 3rd ICMAM2013 has been list on the Trans Tech Publications (TTP) official conference listhttp://www.scientific.net/conference-923.
2013.03.31 Good News: All papers accpeted by ICMAM2012 have been indexed by EI Compendex. Now we would be delighted if you would like to submit your article to 3rd ICMAM2013 before the deadline Oct.30,2013.

Copyright(C) 2013年第三届机电一体化与应用力学国际会议(ICMAM2013)