

Registration Fees

Regular Registration: RMB2600 or USD425

Student Registration: RMB2400 or USD400

Committees Registration: RMB2300 or USD375

Additional papers: RMB2200 or USD365

Extra Page(More than 6 pages): RMB300 or USD50

Attendees without Papers: RMB1200 or USD200


Details About Registration Fees

1.Registration fees for AIST2016 Full-time Student is RMB2400 or USD400, Committees is RMB2300 or USD375, and Regular is RMB2600 or USD425.

2.Each paid registration covers only one paper; you can pay Extra Paper Charges (Additional papers: RMB2200 or USD365) for one more paper from the same first author who already has a paid registration.

3.If the length of the paper exceeds Six Pages, the cost of Each Extra Page is RMB300 or USD50.

4.Registration fees includes conference proceedings, lunches, gifts, attending all technical sessions.

5.At least one author for each accepted final paper must pre-register.

6.The registration fee does not include:


Visa application fee

Transportation fee


Registration Fee Confirmation

Completed registrations will be acknowledged by the Organizing Committee within seven (7) days after receiving your payment.

Copyright(C) 人工智能科学与技术国际学术会议(AIST2016)