
The three themes of the year In a context of global changes, and foreseen evolutions of maritime economies, the symposium addresses this year the three following complementary themes: Theme 1: “Shipping in future”: the “e-navigation” concept and techniques. The theme 1 will provide an insight into future navigation, transportation and logistics systems, with an overview of the most promising research axis, innovative products and techniques developed under the umbrella of the “e-navigation” models. Theme 2: « Maritime surveillance & Ocean observation Networks “ The theme 2 addresses the parallel evolutions of oceans and traffic surveillance networks , boosted by the “e-navigation” model on one hand, and by the effects of “global change” on the other hand. The theme 2 will allow discovering main programs, core technologies, and research carried out to provide more and more “permanent” information on maritime activities and meteorological and oceanographic evolutions, from coastal zones, to deep sea and sea beds. Theme 3: “Global change: towards a sustainable development of maritime economies » Environmental degradation and climate change are among the greatest challenges facing the world’s society and economy today. Maritime communities in their whole are particularly threaten and concerned by these problems, as sea users and sources of atmospheric and marine pollutions. The theme 3 analyses the triplet: « environment-climate-energy”.


Monday 16 th

Tuesday 17th

16th -18th 

16th -18th

Wednesday 18th

Opening Session

Theme 3

Theme 2

Tutorials  1

Private Sessions (on invitation)


Theme 1

Theme 2

Theme 3

Theme 2




Private Sessions


Theme 1

Theme 2

Thème 3

Theme 2

Tutorials 2

Private Sessions


Theme 1

Theme 2

Thème 3

Theme 2




Closing Session


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