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Introduction: The 2022 International Conference on Cloud Computing, Big Data and Mathematical Modeling (CCBDM2022) will be held in Chongqing, China on October 21,2022. The conference mainly focuses on cloud computing, big data, mathematical modeling and other research fields, aiming to provide an international cooperation and exchange platform for experts and scholars in the research field, share research results, explore existing problems and challenges, and explore cutting-edge technologies. To promote the development and application of theory and technology in the field in universities and businesses, and also to establish business or research connections for participants and find global partners in future business.

Theme of the conference:

Insurance statistics computing science applied data mining and statistical learning application simulation, application of statistics time series analysis and applied statistics, biostatistics and bioinformatics data modeling and analysis simulation experimental design econometrics, sound and video processing and analysis mathematical modeling validation and confirmation modeling and simulation modeling and simulation input numerical analysis pattern identification and analysis of practical analysis and statistical sampling technology Sensitivity analysis strange perturbation theory, smoothing and statistical graph social science methodology statistical analysis and system programming statistics application statistics genetics statistics and mathematics education environment statistics, stochastic model, parallel computing distributed computing distributed computing load balance thermal backup redundancy and virtualization grid computing, network storage, utility computing, semantic network cloud solution design mode cloud application cloud optimization and automation cloud resources intelligent computing middleware framework, big data service big data kit big data encryption big data business application big data application and social media Big Data Quality and Source Code Control for Enterprise, Government and Society Big Data Bioinformatics Data mining and knowledge recovery embedded systems End-user software engineering distributed / parallel software system engineering embedded and real-time software engineering engineering security software Human-computer interaction Internet and trust system development, office suite, operating system program understanding and visual programming language reengineering engineering and reverse engineering reliability modeling and analysis requirements engineering reverse engineering and maintenance security and security key software

(Topics include but are not limited to these, please consult Mr.Liu for more detailed topics)

Copyright(C) 2022 International Conference on Advances in Cloud Computing, Big Data and Mathematical Modeling(CCBDM 2022)