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1.     CALL FOR PAPERS (paper range, but not limited to the following): 
A.       Inorganic phosphorus compound synthesis, structure and reaction
B.       Organophosphorus compounds synthesis, structure and reaction
C.       Organophosphorus ligand asymmetric synthesis
D.       Phosphorus reagent in organic synthesis reactions
E.        Related chemicals of the nucleic acid and other phosphorus-containing biological active substance
F.        Analysis and application of the organic phosphorus compound
G.       Phosphorus chemical and phosphorus-containing materials
a.        Papers content must be unpublished research paper, published papers and review articles not in the range
b.        Each abstract limit a Chinese and English are acceptable. Abstract with the layout of A4 paper. Typesetting, refer to "Organic Chemistry" Instruction requirements, the manuscript should include Title (the 3rd blackbody center), the authors (the 4th FangSong centered) of units (small roman center containing units, city name and zip code, and with a space separately), the body (10, times New Roman), reference (small roman), single-spaced. English summary of the entirecorresponding size Times New Roman font layout. The structural formula, a reaction formula for drawing with ChemDraw.
c.         The letter please indicate the the National Phosphorus Chemistry Call for Papers, and the author's name, unit, address, zip code, E-mail address, contact phone number. Where two or more authors of the papers, please indicate the participating authors and the corresponding author.
d.        You will receive sending offer after papers accepted. The papers generally no longer returned for revision, the authors should be prepared to disposable finalized ready when send abstracts. The papers will not refundregardless accepted or not, please save a copy of your papers.
e.         All applicants’ abstracts submitted to the electronic version, including Microsoft Word and PDF versions, and Submit on www.cpccemeeting.com. Or send to jianwu2691@126.com, xuweiming2009@163.com.Submission Deadline: May 10, 2013.

Copyright(C) The 9th China National Conference on Phosphorus Chemistry and Chemical Engineering