third Annual International Congress of Biotherapy Conference and Exhibition (ICB-2019)



Dear Friends and Colleagues, 

Welcome to Beijing and third Annual International Congress of Biotherapy Conference and Exhibition (ICB-2019). , We sincerely invite people from all walks of life in the relevant fields to participate in this Biotherapy event will be held during March, 2019 in Beijing, China. With the theme of “The Fourth Revolutionary Wave of Pharm Industry”, the congress will provide an opportunity to bring together professional representatives all over the world.

This conference and exhibition will be an outstanding experience, both scientifically and socially. ICB-2019 aims to be the most comprehensive antibody congress where discoveries meet opportunities. We are trying our best to be the unique platform for Academic & Industrial information exchange & network expansion. The congress venue Beijing is the capital city of People Republic of China. It is also the center of politics, economic and culture. Its rich history attracts many tourists; all the attendees will have the opportunity to enjoy the historic culture. Its rich history attracts many tourists; all the attendees will have the opportunity to enjoy the historic culture

ICB-2019 will once again bring together thought leaders from pharmaceutical, biotech companies, consultants, regulatory authorities and academics, including well-known industry experts innovative technology developers and expert scientists, to present the latest research results, ideas, developments, applications and business prospects in Biotherapy, Antibody and Vaccines.

We cordially invite you to join us for this forward-thinking event in Beijing. This conference will include plenary sessions, panel discussions, and paper presentations. Roundtable discussions, matchmaking, exhibitions, field trip and tech-tour will also help foster a fruitful exchange of information and ideas. 

We look forward to seeing you in Beijing in 2019 for this influential event!

Sincerely Yours, 
Xiaodan Mei, Ph.D.
Executive Chair of ICB-2019
President, BIT Group Global Ltd.