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Special Session

We are looking for scientists desiring to organize focused sessions at the 2013 IEEE International Conference on Grey Systems and Intelligent Services (GSIS) being held in Macau, China between November 15 and 17. Special sessions concentrate on grey systems, Service Science, preferably of interest to a relatively large audience. Each of the sessions is expected to last 1.5 hours, counting 4 papers.

We expect these sessions to be a focusing opportunity at the Symposium, establishing synergies and eventual links to relevant communities and exploring the new opportunities that these can offer.

In advance of the meeting, invited contributors will be required either to submit a paper for inclusion in the proceedings (which will undergo normal peer review), or to submit an abstract that summarizes the content of the talk (which will not be included in the proceedings).

If you are interested, please submit a proposal form to Sifeng Liu and Naiming Xie.

Proposal should be submitted as soon as possible, but no later than Feb. 25, 2013, as the proposals are being reviewed on a rolling basis.

Copyright(C) 2013IEEE国际会议在灰色系统和智能服务(GSIS 2013)国际会议